

Betterreads interface for interacting with Goodreads review data.


  • gid: Goodreads review id (type: int)
  • book: Dict with information on the book the review belongs to (type: dict)
  • rating: Review rating from 1 - 5 “stars” (type: int)
  • shelves: Most common shelf names that contain this book (type: list)
  • recommended_for: dict of users recommended for (type: dict)
  • recommended_by: dict of users recommended by (type: dict)
  • started_at: String representation of the date the user started reading the book (type: datetime)
  • read_at: String representation of the date the user finished reading the book (type: datetime)
  • body: Text body of the review (type: string)
  • comments_count: Number of comments on the review (type: int)
  • url: Link to the review on Goodreads (type: string)
  • owned: boolean value (expressed as “0” or “1”) whether the user owns this book (type: boolean)


You can query Reviews by id using the GoodreadsClient.

>>> from betterreads.client import GoodreadsClient

>>> gc = GoodreadsClient('GOODREADS_API_KEY', 'GOODREADS_SECRET')
>>> review =
>>> review.body
u'I was lukewarm on this book'
>>> review.owned