Owned Book


GoodreadsOwnedBook is the BetterReads representation of the Goodreads concept of an “owned book.”

An owned book is a representation of a physical copy of a book that is owned by a person or organization.


  • gid: Goodreads id for the owned book (type: int)
  • book: GoodreadsBook object for the book that is “owned” (type: GoodreadsBook)
  • review: GoodreadsReview associated with the book (type: GoodreadsReview)
  • current_owner: User id of the book’s current owner. Can be used to query GoodreadsUser data. (type: int)
  • original_purchase_date: String representation of the date that the book was purchased (type: datetime)
  • original_purchase_location: String for where the owner purchased the book (type: string)
  • condition: Condition of the book (ex: Brand new) (type: string)
  • link: Link to the Owned Book record on Goodreads (type: string)


You can query for an owned book using the GoodreadsClient. You must have an authenticated user session in order to query for owned books.