

GoodreadsEvent is a BetterReads object for interfacing with event data from Goodreads.


  • gid: Goodreads id for the event (type: int)
  • title: Event’s title (type: string)
  • description: event’s description (type: string)
  • link: Link to the event on Goodreads (type: string)
  • venue: Venue information for the event (type: string)
  • address: Street address of the event (type: string)
  • city: City where the event takes place (type: string)
  • postal_code: Postal code for the event (type: string)
  • state_code: The state code of the event (type: string)
  • country_code: The country code for the event (type: string)
  • access: indicates whether the event is public or private (type: string)
  • event_type: indicates the type of event (type: string)
    • Example: author reading
  • added_by: user id for who added the event (type: int)
  • image_url: link to the event image (type: string)
  • created_at: String representation of the event’s created time (type: datetime)
  • updated_at: String representation of the event’s updated time (type: datetime)
  • reminder_at: String representation of the time that attendees will be reminded about the event (type: datetime)
  • rsvp_end_at: String representation of the time that RSVPs will close (type: datetime)
  • start_at: String representation of the time the event begins (type: datetime)
  • end_at: String representation of the time the event ends (type: datetime)
  • attending_count: Number of users who have RSVPd (type: int)
  • responses_count: Number of responses (type: int)
  • resource: Resource that the event is supporting (type: tuple)
    • Example: author or book that the event is promoting


You can query Events within or near a zip code with the GoodreadsClient by searching by zip.

>>> from betterreads.client import GoodreadsClient

>>> gc = GoodreadsClient('GOODREADS_API_KEY', 'GOODREADS_SECRET')
>>> events = gc.list_events(80126)
>>> events[0]
>>> event.title
u'Meet and Greet with Mary Sue'
>>> event.description
u'Learn all about Mary Sue and her epic adventures!'