

GoodreadsGroup is a BetterReads object for interfacing with group data from Goodreads.


  • gid: Goodreads id for the Group (type: int)
  • title: Title of the group (type: string)
  • description: Short text description of the group (type: string)
  • category: Text category for filtering groups (type: string)
    • Example: Organizations
  • subcategory: Text category for further filtering groups (type: string)
    • Example: Companies
  • rules: Text description of the rules for participating in the group (type: string)
  • image_url: URL for the group’s featured image (type: string)
  • last_activity_at: String representation of the time and date of the group’s last activity (type: datetime)
  • access: Indicates whether a group is public or private (type: string)
  • users_count: Number of users in the group (type: int)
  • members: List of dicts containing information about group members. Member ids can be used to query GoodreadsUsers using the GoodreadsClient (type: list)


You can query Group information from the GoodreadsClient by searching by id.

>>> g = gc.find_groups("Python")
>>> g = groups[0]
>>> g['title']
u'The Computer Scientists'
>>> group =['id'])
>>> group.description
u'Only for Committed Self Learners and Computer Scientists Who are Starving for
Information, and Want to Advance their Skills Through: Reading, Practicing and
Discussion Computer Science and Programming Books.'