Comment ======= GoodreadsComment ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GoodreadsComment is a BetterReads object for interfacing with comment data from Goodreads. Properties ~~~~~~~~~~ - gid: Goodreads id of the comment (type: int) - body: Text body of the comment (type: string) - user: `GoodreadsUser `__ that authored the comment (type: `GoodreadsUser `__) - created_at: String representation of the date when the comment was created (type: datetime) - updated_at: String representation of the date when the comment was updated (type: datetime) Usage ~~~~~ You can query Comments on a resource from the `GoodreadsClient `__ by searching by id. .. code:: python >>> from betterreads.client import GoodreadsClient >>> gc = GoodreadsClient('GOODREADS_API_KEY', 'GOODREADS_SECRET') >>> comments = gc.list_comments("review", 123456) >>> comment = comments[0] >>> comment.body u'This was a really good review' When querying for a comment, you must specify which type of resource you're grabbing comments for. Valid resource types are: - ``author_blog_post`` - ``blog`` - ``book_news_post`` - ``chapter`` - ``comment`` - ``community_answer`` - ``event_response`` - ``fanship`` - ``friend`` - ``giveaway`` - ``giveaway_request`` - ``group_user`` - ``interview`` - ``librarian_note`` - ``link_collection`` - ``list`` - ``owned_book`` - ``photo`` - ``poll`` - ``poll_vote`` - ``queued_item`` - ``question`` - ``question_user_stat`` - ``quiz`` - ``quiz_score`` - ``rating`` - ``read_status`` - ``recommendation`` - ``recommendation_request`` - ``review`` - ``topic`` - ``user`` - ``user_challenge`` - ``user_following`` - ``user_list_challenge`` - ``user_list_vote`` - ``user_quote`` - ``user_status`` - ``video``