Book ==== GoodreadsBook ------------- A GoodreadsBook object represents the Goodreads concept of a book. It combines two concepts important to the Goodreads API. First, is the book itself. Books have page numbers, one specific edition, one specific publisher, etc. Books belong to a "Work" that contains aggregate information for all editions of the book. Works have attributes like average rating, or editions. Properties ~~~~~~~~~~ - gid: Goodreads id of the book (type: int) - title: Title of the book (type: string) - authors: List of `GoodreadsAuthor `__ objects for authors credited to the work (type: list) - description: Description of the book (type: string) - average_rating: Mean average star rating given to the work by Goodreads users. This is a float value between 1 and 5. (type: float) - rating_dist: Ratings distribution for the work (type: string) - ratings_count: Number of ratings given to the work (type: int) - text_reviews_count: Number of text reviews left for the work (type: int) - num_pages: Number of pages in the book (type: int) - popular_shelves: Dict of shelf names and counts that represent the number of times this work appears on a shelf named `name` on Goodreads (type: dict) - work: Information on the book's "original work" (type: dict) - series_works: Returns information about related works in the same series (type: dict) - publication_date: Publication date for the book (not necessarily the original publication date) (type: datetime) - publisher: Published listed for the book (not necessarily the original publisher) (type: string) - language_code: Language code for the book (not necessarily the original language) (type: string) - edition_information: Information about this specific edition of the work (type: string) - image_url: Url to the book's cover image (type: string) - small_image_url: Url to a smaller version of the book's cover image (type: string) - is_ebook: ``True`` or ``False`` value for whether this book is an ebook (type: boolean) - format: format of the book (type: string) - Example: "HARDCOVER" - isbn: ISBN-10 of the book (type: string) - isbn13: ISBN-13 of the book (type: string) - link: link to the book's goodreads page (type: string) - reviews_widget: widget for reviews in HTML (type: string) - similar_books: List of `GoodreadsBook `__ objects of books similar to this one (type: list) Usage ~~~~~ You can query Book information from the `GoodreadsClient `__ by searching by id. .. code:: python >>> from betterreads.client import GoodreadsClient >>> gc = GoodreadsClient('GOODREADS_API_KEY', 'GOODREADS_SECRET') >>> book = >>> book.title u'Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Harry Potter, #6)' >>> authors = book.authors >>> authors[0].name u'J.K. Rowling' >>> book.average_rating 4.49